Project management has its fundamentals but also its traps. Here are five mistakes that can easily be made in project management.
Testimony of Ludovic LAJOIE, Chief Information and Organization Officer at our client Cogep, a French accounting firm.
How to replace your Excel tables for monitoring the tasks of your projects with a suitable project management tool.
Testimonial from José Paquette, Project Office Manager at Soprema Canada, the Canadian subsidiary of our Alsace-based roofing and building envelope expert Soprema.
Bertrand PENNEC, Director of Operations at EcoGreenEnergy, gave us his testimony on their experience as Gouti users during an interview.
A mode of work that's growing in the organization of companies : the project mode. But what is it exactly ?
Project management applications offer new possibilities and solutions for the work. How can they significantly improve project management ?
When you manage a project, you have to talk about planning sooner or later. Other than a GANTT, which tool can be even more relevant to communicate the planning of a project ?
The role of the project manager in the management of a project is essential. But what are the qualities expected of him ?
Frame a project by starting your project with the project charter, the good reflex of the project manager.
There are several practices that the project manager must apply to carry out a project. Here are some good practices in project management.
How to apply the PRINCE2® methodology in a project management application. This project method can be integrated into a project tool to remain pragmatic and efficient.