Project Management Tool Gouti Past times tracking

Gouti as working time tracking software

Time tracking in project management

time tracking is an important element of project management. A sufficiently accurate working time forecast makes it possible to predict the time to be allocated to project tasks. This time is distributed to the members of the project team who can then report the real time they used per task in a timesheet.​

This time data has several interests. First of all, by creating the forecast load plan for the project and assigning these loads to the different collaborators, they make it possible to visualize the occupancy rate of each person, that is to say their availability, their unavailability and possible work overload.​

They also allow you to identify a cause of a delay on a project. Did my colleague take longer than expected? Did a task take longer than expected? Was it underestimated in terms of forecast workload?​

Moreover, the timesheet can be used as an activity report (CRA) when the actual time spent is invoiced to a client for example.​

How to manage project times in Gouti?

Gouti offers time management which begins with planning workloads by task. On each task you can enter a total forecast workload. This load can then be distributed among the different actors of the task. These actions make it possible to develop the project workload plan and to have a visual on the forecast occupancy rate< /strong> collaborators.

Regarding the time actually spent, each user has a timesheet with the tasks they are working on. They can then enter the real time that he spends on each task. The timesheets include generic tasks, outside the framework of projects to fill in paid leave for example. Please note that it is you who decide on the configuration of your timesheets. You define your daily hourly rate, the list of your generic tasks as well as the timesheet validation mode (e.g.: control 7 hours per day, 35 hours per week or not to do any control).

The forecast times and actual times are consolidated in the project costs view which presents the deviations and the remaining costs.

Manage time simply in Gouti

A very simple time management is also possible, without going through a detailed forecast workload plan for the task.

You can manage atime budget on a project, simply define an overall available load. You will then be able to monitor little by little, in a macroscopic manner, the time consumed and the time remaining on the project based on the time spent provided by your collaborators.

Human Resources management of projects

For human resources management, Gouti offers a HR module which provides real-time access to time spent per employee and per project.

How does it work? You select the collaborator(s) to display and filter the project(s) that interest you). You benefit from a consolidated view of the times sought in unit hour or day/man.

It is possible to export time spent by employee and by project for HR management needs, to send it to payroll management software for example.

The transformation of time into cost

For financial monitoring of your projects, Gouti offers a finance module which will translate the time of your projects into forecast and actual costs.

How does it work? You define a daily cost for each of your collaborators. When a collaborator is assigned to a task, the workload assigned to them is translated into cost forecast based on their daily cost provided. From the moment a collaborator enters time on a task, this time is translated into actual cost based on their daily cost provided.

A consolidated table presents the forecast costs according to the charges and the collaborators on the tasks and the actual costs according to the entry of the timesheets. The information is historicized to allow the evolutions to be visualized.

Do you need a timesheet and time tracking solution, or would you like advice on the subject?