Project management for Christmas ?

Project management for Christmas ?

Because project management is not limited to the professionnal field, why not apply it to its end of year celebrations ?

Here we are. After a year 2019 full of beautiful projects we have already arrived at the end of the year. It's time for young and old children to let themselves be carried way once again by the magic of Christmas. 

But the preparations for the holidays can quickly become a real hell, especially if it's done at the last minute !

"What's project management doing in allll opf this ?" you might say. What if I showed you that it's possible to organize your parties with complete peace of mind thanks to the right methods and the right tools ? 


We wish you a merry budget, and an happy Project !

As in any project, you will allocate a certain budget for your Christmas celebrations. Between all the gifts to buy and the meals to organize, expenses can easily growth !

But don't panic. Just set your budget and try to stick at it at best, although we know well that more often it ends being exceeded (oops).

Here is an example of a budget that I prepared using our project management tool Gouti (so pratical isn't it ?) : 



Last Christmas I didn't plan my project 

If like me you have the bad habit of doing your Christmas shopping at the last minute, as in projectmanagement the watchword is PLANNING ! 

Before you find yourself once again running in the stores a few hours from the festivities to find the lastest gifts or choose from the last remaining Yule logs, you need to build up a planning in advance. 

How to do ? Nothing could be easier, a to-do list and a calendar to the job perfectly. 

Well, personally I use the tasks list in Gouti and the associated calendar, but each one has its own technique. 


Set deadlines depending on your availability and the time needed to complete your tasks as in project management !


Project Management is going to town

As you can see, project management deal with vast areas. It does not only apply in the professional context but is also present in our daily life. 

Of course the example of this article is intentionally shifted. Only the most relentless of us would embark on an advanced methodology and use a project management tool to organize Christmas parties (but it does exist). The goal was to present in a trivial way two major elements of project management that we rub shoulders with more than we think.

Whether you are an experienced Christmas Project Manager or just starting out, I wish you behalf on the entire CG Project Management team, editor of Gouti, a very good end of year celebrations as well our best wishes, particularly in the management of your current or future projects !

And in terms of new year resolutions why not come and try Gouti