Frequently Asked Questions

Project Management Features

How many maximum projects can you manage ?

With a Basic account you have the possibility to create and manage a single project. With the Premium version you can create and manage as many projects as you want, same with the Enterprise version.

What type of planning are proposed ?

Gouti offers a calendar view of the projects. The project calendar displays the entire project activity. A user-specific view "My Calendar" is available and displays its scheduled tasks and actions. The user can choose between a colored view by activity type or by project.

It is also possible to visualize the activity of the project through a GANTT chart, configurable according to the size of the project.

A Macro-Planning completes this GANTT view, in order to have a refined view depending on what you want to visualize. It’s possible to set the information to display as well as the shaping by a choice of color.

Finally, on the same principle as Macro Planning, a Multi-projects view allows to have a summary view of the planning of all your projects.

What is the difference between a task and an action in Gouti ?

A task is positioned in a schedule. It’s planned, can have predecessors, has a duration, a workload (in day / man) and start and target dates. You will find it in the project calendar and the personal calendar of the person in charge.

An action is not linked to a schedule. It has no duration but a deadline. It does not usually take much time to complete. An action can be a reminder, a thing to do. You will find it in your personal calendar.

Can we manage the risks of a project with Gouti ?

Major element in the project management, risk management is integrated in our project management solution. A dedicated section "Risks" allows you to define and record your risks by specifying their probability as well as their impact. They are then classified by severity. You can write a response to your risks and associate actions to mitigate risk for instance.

Can Gouti manage the budget of a project ?

You will find in Gouti a heading of financial management, in the part "progression and control" of the menu on the left. In this section you will be able to track your costs, in terms of human resources or other costs, in monetary or man-day. It’s also possible to manage billing with an invoices list.

Who sees the project information, including the indicators ?

Only users who have the right to update or read on the project can view all project information. It is the project manager who gives these rights. The collaborative tool offers different levels of rights that allow access to a limited amount of information or to all project information. It’s the project manager who gives these rights. Namely, a basic user associated on a project only sees the activities assigned to him. To give more access to him it’s necessary to modify its rights in the heading "Rights Management" present on the general information sheet of a project.

What's the difference between read/write and read rights ?

In read/write right you have an access on all the information and variables of the project. You can add tasks, actions, issues, deliverables, risks, change requests ... In short you place yourself as head of project. However, it’s possible to choose between an "Read/Write" right with the possibility to modify the rights of the users on the project or not. "Read only" rights give you the possibility to consult certain information of the project (according to your level of right) but without modifying anything.

In read right you can only consult the project data but without any update rights.

Should collaborators have rights on the project to see their task ?

Not at all, people to whom you assign tasks, actions, issues will immediately see them on their Gouti account. They will then be able to modify the progress of the tasks and write comments to the project manager.

Does a collaborator have access to all project information ?

Gouti is a collaborative tool that offers a certain framework. Your collaborator only sees what you assign to him. He has access to the list of his tasks, his issues, his actions and a view of his planning. He has the opportunity to go into detail about his tasks, issues and actions, to consult attached documents, to report on his progress and to leave associated comments by notifying the project manager. Nevertheless, if in the "Rights Management" you give him the "Read only" right, he can then consult the project information but cannot modify it.

Can I share documents to my collaborators on Gouti ?

You can associate linked documents to your tasks, actions, issues, and deliverables from Dropbox, OneDrive/SharePoint and Google Drive. Your collaborators can visualize the document by viewing the task, the action, etc.

Can I send messages to my collaborators on Gouti ?

In Gouti, comments are available for each activity. You can write comments associated with à task, action, issus and deliverable and notify the project manager, the assignated ressources or the creator. They receive a notification in their notification center.

Gouti Settings and Solution

Is there any keyword search or filtering function ?

Yes, a filter is available on the tables. These same tables can also be sorted by column.

In addition, there are filters per project at "My Tasks", "My Actions", "My Issues" and a project category filter on the dashboard and on "All my Projects" list.

On the list of all the projects, you can easily filter your projects by name, status, weather, trend, progress, general situation, start and delivery date and project manager.

How to disable / enable help on Gouti ?

Help turns on or off with at the bottom left of the interface. Red: Help is deactivated. Green: Help is activated.

Can we change the theme of the interface on the project management application ?

Yes it's possible with themes. To change it go on the menu at the top right under your name and choose "Settings". You can select the desired theme from a drop-down list.

How to delete a task ?

Tasks are visible in the "Progress and Control / Tasks" menu. Simply select the task you want to delete in the table and then use the task management bar at the bottom right and click on the trash.

Does the software exist locally, in the cloud, on premise ?

Gouti is a project management tool available in a Cloud model, based on a SaaS (Software As A Service). So you don't have to worry about the infrastructure, hosting and maintenance of the solution. CG Project Management is in charge of working with the guarantees defined in the conditions of use.

Gouti is also available on premise. The solution is then installed on your infrastructure.

Where is hosted Gouti ?

Our project management solution infrastructure is located in France.

Can we have a dedicated environment ?

Yes, with the Enterprise contract we provide a dedicated database for the customer.

Is Gouti available on mobiles and tablets ?

Yes, Gouti is a responsive solution. It works on your smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs. Gouti pages adapt to the size of your screens.

Is there a Gouti mobile app ?

Yes, Gouti is available on the App Store and Google Play. The application allows the colaborator to follow his activities through a Kanban system. He can send and receive notifications in real time and consult informations about his task, action or problem. Find the download buttons at the bottom right of the home page.

Can we export the data outside Gouti ?

Yes, it is possible to export the data of the different tables in the project management application toward Excel with this icon .

Many reports can be exported via PDF, such as the Project Charter or the different Reports available on Gouti (Activity Report, Flash Report, Full Report). Just click on the "PDF" button displayed.

It’s still possible to export graphics views, that’s to say the GANTT, the Macro Planning and the Multi-projects view in image format.

Can we import data into Gouti ?

Yes, you can import a list of deliverables and a list of tasks into the solution from an Excel sheet.

Can we change the project manager on a project ?

Yes the project manager can be changed. Either by himself or by a manager type profile.

Is it possible to remove the timesheet ?

Absolutely. Go to your user menu at the top right in Gouti, then in the settings. Here you can check or note the use of the timesheet.

Can I save display preferences for the "My Tasks" and "My Calendar" view ?

In the user menu at the top right in Gouti, in settings you can set your default view. Choose between Kanban or board for "My Tasks", "My Actions", "My Issues" and between "View colored by activity type" or "View colored by project" for "My Calendar".

Can we change the daily time base of the timesheet in Gouti ?

Yes. As part of an Enterprise license you can ask us to put the daily schedule you want.

Is it possible to modify generic tasks in the timesheet ?

Yes, in the same way as for the daily time base of your timesheet, if you have an Enterprise license, consult us to modify your generic tasks by the ones you want.

How can I access the calendar and the timesheet of my collaborators ?

In Enterprise license you can access the personal calendar, timesheet, and activities list of your collaborators with "My Collaborators" page.

Are there any additional modules or options ?

Yes, Gouti is an adaptable project management solution. For Enterprise licenses we suggest 5 modules : HR, Finance, Knowledge base, Client and Workflow.

In addition, other options can be activated on your Enterprise license in order to optimize et personalize your user experience.

Licence of Use

Can we try Gouti for free ?

Yes it's possible !

The Basic version is totally free but limited to a single project. This is a good way to discover our project management software and its main features for project management.

You can also try the free Premium version during 1 month, no banking information are required, except at the end of the free period if you want to renew your Premium license.

How to renew Premium license at the end of the free month ?

To renew your Premium license at the end of the free period, simply go to the menu under your name at the top right "My account", you will see a button "License Payment" that will redirect you to the process of payment.

Whatever happens you will receive notifications on Gouti and e-mails to warn you of the expiry of your license and accompany you to the payment process.

What are the payment methods for my license?

It’s possible to pay for your license via a credit card or also by direct debit, depending on your preference.

Will I still have access to my projects at the end of the free Premium license period ?

At the end of the free month your projects will be in read only mode for 30 days. After this period, your account will be suspended.

What happens if I do not renew my Premium license ?

30 days after the expiry of the license, your account will be suspended. You will then have 15 days to contact us and ask to maintain your account by subscribing a Premium license. We will reactivate your account. Otherwise the account and associated projects will be deleted.

How can I check the status of my license ?

To see the status of your license, go on Gouti, in the menu at the top right (under your name), then under "My account". You will then see a Gouti license box with the status and expiration date of your license.