Project management without emails

Project management without emails

Project management software offers a multitude of features that have a real added value. What if it was possible to manage a project without sending mails?

E-mails take an important place in professional life. These are privileged ways for transmitting information and sending files, globaly to communicate easily in companies.

E-mails in the professional daily

Within an organization, it is essential to be able to communicate and work effectively with your collaborators. The information transmitted must be clear and must arrive on time in most cases. This is unfortunately not always the case with email exchanges. A person receives an average of thirty e-mails a day. Depending on the sector of activity or position occupied, the amount can double or even triple very easily.

Gouti évite l'envoi des mails

From there, this practical tool can become a real nightmare. We quickly find ourselves inundated with items, which becomes confused with each other, and that is where information can be lost.

In this context, there are several scenarios :

  • Important e-mails can be lost in a wave of information and not be treated in time.
  • Not essential e-mails are feeding our mailbox while they could be avoided.

How to do in these two cases will you tell me? All you have to do is go through another much more relevant support.

Gouti offers an alternative to project teams

A system of associated comments

Des notifications ciblées en gestion de projet

Because a team need to be able to communicate effectively, a project management tool needs to integrate an internal messaging system, especially if members collaborate remotely.

Commentaire associé à une tâche

With Gouti this internal messaging takes the form of associated comments. These comments are added on an activity. Activities can be a task, an action, an issue or a deliverable.

The advantage of proceeding in this way is first of all to centralize the various exchanges, not only on Gouti, but on each activity whatever it may be. For example, if you want to send a specific message to a collaborator about the task of a particular project to which they are assigned, just write a comment on that specific task. It's as simple as that.

Targeted notifications

nouveau commentaire projet

To make sure you do not miss any comments and receivers are aware of the message you send them, a notification system is added to your comments in the project management software. Therefore, as a project manager you can decide to notify your collaborator owner of the activity using a check box. Conversely, the activity owner can notify his project manager of his new comment.

The ability to attach shared document links

Obviously communication in companies often goes through the sending of different files, attachments of any kind which are convenient to send by e-mail. So why not add this possibility in a project management tool ?
As with associated comments, attached documents are specific to an activity. They are visible only by the project manager, the activity owner and the resources assigned to this activity. A good way to keep the information transmitted and navigate easily.

Our feedback at CG Project Management

Since comments and notifications system is in place on Gouti, we use it more and more daily in our team. Today, it has become our privileged communication support internally. We almost don’t exchange by e-mails any more. Everything goes through our project management tool and we work much better like this.
No more superfluous e-mails, a relevant and clear information transmission. In short, everything you need for effective enterprise collaboration in a project management software.