Why use a project management software

Why use a project management software

Project management applications offer new possibilities and solutions for the work. How can they significantly improve project management ?

Perhaps you have already encountered several of these softwares and other web applications dedicated to project management during your search engine expeditions. Today there are a large number of them, each proposing their model and their specificities, such as our Gouti solution. 

Unless you already know and/or use this type of solution, you may be wondering what they can bring to your organization and especially to your everyday life. This is what we will see together in this article !

To be well accompanied

Project management methodologies can seem complex when you start. If you begin in project management and want to get started well, a project management software can be a solid tool to learn. Project tool can be very instructive in the approach to follow, to properly initialize your projects, to carry out the control, the monitoring and then to guide you to the achievement of the project. 

Some editors of project management applications also offer demonstrations or training to take control of their tool in the best condition, in addition to an online support service. 

Of course, you have to find the web application that fits your needs. Some are very complex, even specific to certain areas of activity, which makes it more difficult to take charge. Our advice is to turn to a clear and versatile software, which offers features you need to carry out your projects. Most often the essential features of project management are available in these programs, such as everything related to planning for example. Then it will depend on your specific needs. 

To increase productivity

We arrive at the part that raises the most questions. Is investing in this type of application worth it ? To answer this question ask yourself : "do I want to gain productivity ?" 

Project management applications simplify extremely time-consuming tasks such as planning your project or developing different monitoring reports. 

You will then free up time to focus on other important tasks and specially to advance more effectively on your projects, all in a fluid and visual way. 

To save money

Perhaps you are reading this article by wanting to digitize your way of working, like many companies nowadays. You don't have to spend huge amounts of money on extremely advanced software, and therefore much more difficult to handle, than you will only use 10% of their capacity. Instead of increasing your productivity and motivating your team you risk the opposite effect. 

Applications available on the web like Gouti are accessible to project management experts as well as beginners. This is made possible by their ergonomics and their desire to remain simple in their functionality. The price of these applications is much lower compared to large software and no installation is required to use them. Just have an internet connection and connect directly online. In some cases, there are even mobile apps to access your project information anywhere. 

For a better organization 

What other advantage could have the use of a single application to manage all your projects ? Simply centralizing everything through one tool. 

Using a single platform dedicated to managing your projects can greatly improve your organization and your efficiency. No need to juggle between different media, all information are present in the same place and are constantly updated. 

If you have to pilot several projects at the same time using a dedicated application still allows you to keep the thread. It avoids you of getting lost in the different information you need to deal with. 

For a better collaboration 

As we already shown through other articles in our blog, communication is an important part of project management. Having good communication greatly increases the chances of success of the project. It especially increases the effectiveness of the collaboration. 

By using a project management tool tasks are easily distributed among the different project actors. Internal messaging reinforces and improves the quality of communication, so collaborators will have more relevant exchanges. They will also be more responsive to dealing with changes or problems encountered. There is also a significant gain in flexibility. 

In addition, everyone has immediate access to project information, the progress is automatically updated and is visible quickly. Under these conditions the realization and the monitoring of the project are assured at best. 

Project management tools also improve communication in the context of telecommuting or remote project team management. The fact that it centralizes all the information of the projects and that they are accessible anywhere via the Internet makes it the ideal channel to exchange with collaborators even at the other one end of the world to the other. 

In conclusion

You now know some of the benefits of project management applications. There are still several, like being able to try them for free and without any commitment. Good way to make you an idea of it. 

So if you are still hesitating to use this type of tool or are looking for the project management application that best suits your needs, now is the time to start a trial